Tiarne Tattersall

Making a dream a reality.
A vet nurse by day, Tiarne initially followed in her parents’ footsteps by helping out with the litters of Staffordshire Bull Terriers and taking part in junior handler competitions as a teenager. In recent years, she’s branched out with a breed she’s always had a soft spot for: the Siberian Husky.
“When I had the chance I’d always help out with the litters of Staffords. But I’ve always wanted a Husky since I was a little kid. Mum wouldn’t let me have one because I was too small but, once I was old enough, I jumped at the chance to bring one home from a breeder in Queensland.”
Known for their intelligent and independent temperament, Siberian Huskies were originally bred for sled pulling and companionship by the Indigenous people of Northeast Asia. Their sometimes-stubborn character can make Huskies notoriously difficult to train – but Tiarne says their independent spirit is one of her favourite traits.
“Their personality is number one,” she explains. “Not one of them is the same as the other – they all have their little quirks about them. They’re quite a gentle, caring dog so they’re great to have at home. They’re also very headstrong and intelligent, and always willing to work. They’re probably a bit too smart for their own good actually!”
Winning Best Puppy in Show at the Brisbane Royal Show this year (2022) with Loki has definitely been one of my top moments. It’s extremely rewarding seeing all the training, grooming and preparation pay off.
Keeping the dogs in top condition
Tiarne and her parents started feeding their dogs Black Hawk in 2017 and become ambassadors about 18 months later after seeing how the food had improved the dogs’ overall condition and wellbeing.
“We’d been using another food but the dogs weren’t looking like they were in the best condition. When we moved on to Black Hawk, their coats were better, their muscle condition was better and they were a better weight. So we haven’t changed since.”
“A big benefit of Black Hawk for me is it’s Australian-made,” Tiarne says. “It represents a quality brand that keeps the dogs in great condition and it’s good for weaning puppies onto as well. It helps us raise healthy dogs.”
Tiarne Tattersall – Tilodaw QLD