Rick & Kathryn Berwick

We both come from families that loved animals and we had dogs as pets. We were both introduced to the world of showing dogs by family members which was nearly 40 years ago.
The breed that brought us together were Old English Sheepdogs and they remain one of our favourite breeds. Over many years we have been fortunate to own and successfully exhibit, Old English Sheepdogs, Bichon Frise, Standard Poodles and most recently fell in love with Bernese Mountain Dogs.
We have been super lucky to own and love a magnificent Bichon who stole the hearts and went on to be one of the biggest winning Bichons in Australia and the first Grand Champion in the country. He was always expertly conditioned and scissored by Kathryn.
Rick is an International All Breeds Judge and judges regularly in Australia and overseas. Kathryn is licensed to judge the Toy Group.
Our local Petstock store suggested we try Black Hawk when we were looking for a grain free option for the Bernese. Since that first bag we were hooked and haven’t looked back!
Our dogs have never been in better condition! Black Hawk develops and maintains their healthy skin, eyes, body condition and coat.
Kathryn prides herself on the Berners lustrous black shiny coat.
We strongly recommend Black Hawk and we are proud Black Hawk Ambassadors.
Rick and Kathryn Berwick
Dupanache, WA