Marie Patten

I was born into the wonderful sport of breeding and showing Pekingese, when I was younger I did try other breeds and I have owned and shown a Maltese, Chihuahua, Papillon and a Great Dane,
I wish that Black Hawk had of been around all those years ago when growing a giant breed. I have been showing for 50 odd years, judging dogs for 35 years and I have been an All Breeds Judge for 25 years. I have been involved with dogs in Lecturing, examining and all aspects of our Education schemes.
I have been privileged to have judged dogs all around the world. My two greatest highlights as a judge would have been judging a Pekingese National in Germany, more recently being invited to Judge the New York Pekingese Speciality in conjunction with Westminster Dog Show. It was a huge thrill to judge my beloved breed in the Grand Ballroom.
The joy that showing dogs brings me completes me, I love the thrill of breeding a better dog with every litter that I breed, being able to use my competitive spirit to show to the best of my ability and knowing that at the end of the day Best In Show or a red ribbon I am taking home a healthy happy dog that loves me unconditionally.
I show the Pekingese and to have a sturdy well-muscled little dog requires good nutrition I initially noticed a difference when I won my first bag of Black Hawk firstly the Pekes loved the food and would eat it then I noticed that there skin was clear and the coat stronger.
I also own a Rottweiler and this breed is known to have skin issues, hot spots and dandruff, my Maggie is fed on Black Hawk and never suffers from any of these conditions has a beautiful black coat with a mirror shine.
Marie Patten, NSW